I’m Jill, a longevity expert dedicated to helping you reclaim your health and get your mojo back.

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Who is Jill Ritchie? 

Jill Ritchie is a longevity authority, serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Ritchie Media Group, a media production company dedicated to longevity research. 

Jill lost 60 pounds and reversed her biological age by 16 years using the evidence-based protocols she shares with her audience.

Jill holds certificates as a Weight Loss Specialist, Senior Fitness Specialist, and Certified Nutrition Coach from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. 

She is also a graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (Cornell), Stanford Center for Health Education (Gut Health and the Microbiome), The Buck Institute (Introduction to the Biology of Aging), Longevity Education (Longevity Medicine for Physicians) and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (Nutrition for Prevention and Longevity). 

With the help of her research team, Jill translates complex longevity science into practical lifestyle systems anyone can follow.

She is on a mission to help 10,000 women reclaim their health and get their mojo back.

My Story 

Nine months ago, I wasn’t taking my weight seriously. I was obese, almost two hundred pounds. And I’m five foot five. Every day I told myself, “OK, I’ll start tomorrow.” Until I realized how my extra weight was impacting my longevity. 

I wanted a permanent weight-loss solution that would also prevent frailty, dementia, heart disease, and more, empowering me to live a long, healthy life. 

I started doing my own research, but was confused by different advice. Who should I trust? What should I eat? Which supplements should I take?

Determined to get to the bottom of it, and do it right, I hired a team of researchers and we developed our own research process. 

Now, I have the blood pressure of a teenager. I’m 99% heart-attack proof with NO statins or blood pressure meds. I feel like I’m 20 again, I have my energy back, and my telomeres are longer. So how did I do it?

I’m not a scientist, professional athlete or old-school fitness expert. But I use the highest-quality research to tackle the hallmarks of aging. 

It’s my lifelong mission to live as well and I can and show you how I do it, so you can too. Because your health is the ultimate luxury.

My Values 


I co-founded Ritchie Media Group with my daughter, Harriet. Having the flexibility to spend time with my daughters is invaluable; Harriet and I set out as business partners to make that vision a reality. 


When I lost weight, women in my local community started asking me how I did it. I took on some private clients, and quickly realized that my expertise could benefit countless other women. 

That’s when I set out to create a global community for women. Club Ritchie is a place to share, learn and inspire longevity transformations. 


I believe that a long, healthy life is within everyone's reach. 

My goal is to support women at every stage of longevity, from those struggling with weight and chronic diseases, to those looking to take their health and fitness to the next level.Â